Donations, small or large, are an incredibly important part of
the rebuilding effort in Vernazza. If you still have not had a chance to donate, or
would like to give more, there are several options and programs
available. There are two Non-profits funding the rebuilding projects, one directly through the Commune di Vernazza and the other, set up by three American expats in Vernazza, called Save Vernazza. Both accept payments through PayPal.
Save Vernazza, ONLUS
by American expats in Vernazza, they keep their website, entirely in
English, updated with the latest information, pictures, videos and the current rebuilding
projects. Check out their site because it is a wealth of information! They can also help you organize a fundraising event in your
area. They also accept your information if you would like to come to volunteer during the rebuilding. For their donation information, click here.
Their website, all in Italian, keeps a running total of the amount aquired and gives updates on the rebuilding projects. All the donation information can be found here.